Programme week around International Women’s Day
since 2021
Around International Women’s Day, for the third year in a row, we redesigned the programme for a week to exclusively present FLINTA* contributions. In March 2023 we extended the streaming programme into an event at ZIRKA. As a platform more focused on music, we also wish to grow with our community, which is also composed of other formats, such as readings. These contributions are very close to our hearts, as they do not yet take place enough in our regular programme and gives us the opportunity to invite authors who deal with the topics of queerness, identity politics and reflections on feminism. In cooperation with the Korbinian Verlag in Berlin, we wanted to exchange new and inspiring authors – Duygu Ağal, Paulina Czienskowski and Jovana Reisinger.
The second part of our event had its start on our streaming collaboration with Documenta and Shanghai Community Radio last summer, we had already been able to integrate Chinese artist Temple Rat into our programme as a guest mix. Her unique combination of traditional Chinese music through the string instrument Erhu and her affinity for electronic productions, form a symbiosis that not only impresses but also inspires the audience. Inviting her to Munich and showing the spectrum of live performances was a unique opportunity. All the shows from this special week this year are uploaded: FLINTA* Week 2023